Winter Camping in our LMTV

With a big snow storm rolling in over Valentine’s Day, we decided that it’d be fun to take Peanut out to go get snowed in and test out our winter camping set up.

As we drove along the forest service roads into higher elevations, the snow really started to come down. We pulled into a campground that is closed for the winter but gets used for snowmobile trailer parking and decided to make camp for the next few days.

Our current heating system uses a simple electric space heater which we run off of our lithium ion Battle Born batteries. Normally, in sunny conditions, we are able to recharge our batteries from the 3 solar panels on our roof, but seeing as it was snowing pretty heavily, we brought a gasoline generator to help us keep our batteries topped off. We really want to install a diesel heater in the truck, but for now, this system works pretty well.

Cozy and warm inside, we cooked dinner, drank wine, and played cards. Just the kind of evening we were hoping for.

The next morning, we made some awesome pancakes before venturing out for a dog walk/ski.

This charcuterie board made for a perfect afternoon treat as we warmed back up in our little home on wheels.


Canyon Redemption


Building our Bed, Bench Seats, and Overhead Cabinets | The Peanut Build Out - Part 3